Cst studio suite software
Cst studio suite software

cst studio suite software

HPC can greatly benefit the simulation of very complex structures, like the one shown in Figure 2, but switching from standard volume methods such as FIT or FEM to surface-based integral equation or ray tracing methods is often the more efficient approach for electrically very large structures. The higher order curved elements will also be available for the CST MWS eigenmode solver and the fast resonant solver. These actually improve the representation of the input model continuously, rather than simply refining the first discretization of the model. In comparison to using simpler curvilinear elements (first order curved elements), which often suffer from the creation of inaccuracies in the mesh representation, higher order curved elements deliver a much smoother representation of arbitrary surfaces.Īs with all mesh adaptation schemes, simulations will only converge to the correct results if mechanisms such as True Geometry Adaptation are used. With version 2011, the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO (CST MWS) frequency domain solver will feature curved tetrahedral mesh elements of high geometrical orders. Frequency Domain Solver with Curved Elements Figure 2 Comptation on a GPU cluster dramatically reduces simulation time for this cross.

Cst studio suite software